Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tables and Chairs for YOUR kids!

Upon strolling in the malls, furniture centers and other children’s department centers, perhaps you might see stunning and attractive toddler’s tables and chairs for your kids. Most of these tables and chairs are defined as cute, colorful and paints a lot of fun in it. Whatever it is that they say about these stunning rugs, quality is always considered first.

Wooden Toddler Toys’ Safari Table & Animal Chairs by Anatex is one of the best well-designed tables and chairs built for kid’s advantage. It has a colorful theme suited for our kid’s 3 years old and above. It adds the creative and the imaginative play setting for your kids, when they draw, write and paint.

Every kid whether they are boys or girls are still alike; they have what it takes to be benefited with kid’s tables and chairs set. While it is added to their playroom or bedroom, they have the many ways to enjoy the playing, drawing and learning with it. Let me sum up some of the best things your kids could gain while having toddler table and chairs set.

1.       As your kids play together with their other kids, they tend to do make believe. Let’s say they find restaurant as a perfect setting of playing ‘chef’ and a ‘customer’. Toddler tables and chairs set is one of the best ways to gather and encourage social play setting for your kids and their friends. Engaging with these set and placing them for your kid and their friend’s convenience will be possible for them to play together – including the fun it gives!

2.       You can also add these tables and chairs set to your kitchen.

3.       When your kids engage with tables and chairs they will definitely enjoy it with their other toys. These can be used and gathered when they think of having a tea party, dinner party or other parties together with their stuffed toys. As we observe them play, they always love to attend parties and feel free to think that they really are doing it for real.

4.       As your kids start to sit and meditate; their creativeness will increase. Yes! Kid’s tables and chairs will certainly help your kids develop their inner talents, their hidden attributes and their much awaited potentials by letting them draw, paint, carve and write whatever their minds will let them do. They have the perfect ways to do the things they want to.

5.       You can also serve them food with this kid’s table and chairs set. In the event that their friends are present, you can prepare them food and let them eat it on their mini table and chair set. They will surely enjoy the fun and the sharing.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Best Kid's Bedroom Furniture

Kids are more creative and imaginative than we are; they have endless thoughts about great creations and things. For them, ‘sky is the limit’ – since they can think of anything freely. If you are about to decorate and design for your kid’s room décor, do you have the guts and the colorful thoughts just as them? Do you think you can win their criteria when it comes to ‘what is nice?’ and ‘what is good?’ you should have to. This is your chance to be creative; you can be as creative as anybody else simply by having fun.

You can start off by considering what color or theme they want for their bedroom. This can be the right and perfect way for you and your kids to bond together. Trust their opinions and also consider your decisions; kid’s easily changed their minds but you can handle them by not sticking every detail of their demands. Explore things, sight colors that would be liked by them, trust their instinct and you will see how creative and colorful it will get. What to add? Let us browse Wooden Toddler Toys’ kid’s bedroom collection.

You can start by searching for the right kid’s bedroom furniture. Like anything else, furniture is always present in every kid’s bedroom. You can add lamps, table and chairs, upholstered couch or even bookshelves to give the educational essence they need as they grow. Some of them are:

·         Dark Brown Toddler Bed
This is the right size for your young ones. It is safe and sturdy; since it has rails for them to be protected when falling.

This table and chair set is very elegant will definitely suite your kids’ taste and style. This is designed for your growing children, it has large and central desk drawer. This is suited for ages 3 to 8 years old.

Wall decors surely add the creative view of your kid’s room. You can pin growth charts, personalize frames and plaques, holders and door hooks.

Bedrooms are usually viewed only as a place where your kids sleep and have their rest – and soon to be playrooms, study rooms and guest rooms. Kid’s bedrooms should be as relaxing as they need it to be. This is where they stressed things out and give comfort from within. Therefore we should make sure it is fun and exciting for them.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kid's Wooden Dollhouses

Dollhouses come with different styles and frames; some are small but others are gigantic. Good thing about these dollhouses is the fact that kids can accessorize and decorate them with dollhouse accessories. Kids are happy and excited when they can do things with it. Wooden dollhouses have more benefits when your kids play with them, it has braces which can be decorated and designed.  

Dollhouses are never ending toy valued by kids and adults as well. They see these as the ‘little’ us, a small society of small people living quietly – that is what they think. When kids play with dollhouses it is automatically associated with creative play. This creative play enables your kids to learn at a fast pace, it gives important educational benefits for intellectual and social enhancement. Imaginative play can lead our kids to solve problems on their own and investigate what will happen next around them. They use representations and these tools and objects lead to exploring and learning with more advanced method. They tend to develop their physical, emotional and social capability; they will be more concern and reliable.

Yes! Dollhouses gave been with us for years, they evolve from small dollhouses to majestic mansions, but the things is, the essence of dollhouses are still there. History has spoken that dollhouses are only for wealthy families, ordinary people can’t afford them. But for this modern generation, dollhouses have become kids and adults’ love – that is for sure!

Since there are tons of dollhouses and dollhouse furniture available in the market, we are confused on where to go and where to turn to. That is why Wooden Toddler Toys is here for you. We offer wide range of dollhouses for your kids accessible and like. One of the many reasons your kids love to scroll our site is the Deluxe Townhouse. For your kids ages three and up; this townhouse will let your kids play and explore anywhere without leaving the house. Yes! It is all set in it! This has 30 accessory pieces and makes a great gift for any occasions. You can decorate the inside and also the outside as well. This fashionable dollhouse is made from wood, has three levels and twelve rooms of open space.
Kidkraft Dollhouses also comes with new and hip collections. One of these is the Beachfront Mansion. This modern designed dollhouse comes with the beach theme, no need for your kids to go outside and have fun in the sun – since we all got it for them! Since it is also made from wood, the essence and the feeling of cottages remains there. It has 14 pieces furniture, made from composite wood materials and it can accommodate dolls even 12-inches tall.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kid's Art Easels

I heard of the concept that before kids learn to speak and voice out what they feel, they usually use body language just to be identified and tell what they want to do and have. In this scenario, their creativity shows itself; yes! Kids are naturally born creative and geniuses. All we have to do is to mold and shape their talents.

One of the simplest ways your kids can show their creativity is by painting and drawing. Colors are like magic spells, in just a stroke of them, you see different worlds and imaginations relive by wondrous passion. Often, painting expresses feelings; kids prefer to draw or pain than to say they are mad and mad. It is one of the simplest tools to showcase their emotions without the necessity of screaming and grumbling. Unfortunately, these feelings and acts are unnoticed by parents and teachers. Whether your kid is naturally creative and artistic, or they need some space to pull out their emotions; the bottom line is they need arts!

Although emotions signifies arts, but not all the time art relates to emotions. When your child paint, their thinking ability eager to think fast; they process the works, evaluates, and analyzes. Blank canvas will let your kid’s mind and imagination grow and grow positively. They try to be keen when seeing their works and critical minds will determine their work of arts.

They express their unnoticed words through the art of painting and drawing; so what should parents do about this? They should expose their young ones in the nature of creative play. The more they see things rarely than black and white, their imagination and viewpoints in life will develop positively. They will tend to view life lightly not harshly. Self-esteem will also add the factor in painting; when they see their work of arts in a row, then they will be more motivated in doing more things for the sake of arts.

Description: What Are the Benefits of Painting for Children?We at Wooden Toddler Toys offer the help in finding the best tools for your kid’s painting experience. Children’s art easels likely help your kids out; Desk to Easel Art Cart by Guidecraft is easy to convert easel and friendly to kids when they use it. Since this toddler art table can be converted into desk, your kids can experience different form of creative play. They can draw, paint and even sculpt!

Kids have different ways to enjoy arts – and Wooden Toddler Toys' kid's art easels and kid's wood art easels are here to help them up.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cute Playroom Furniture

Kid’s nature is playing; the more they play the happier they are. Even if parents hard to accept the fact that their kids play all day long – still they have no choice. That is the reason behind why playroom is still the best place for your little kids to spend their time playing. The tidier the playroom is the active your kids are.
Some moms and dads hire interior designers for their own kid’s playroom; yet, there are some practical moms who customize their kid’s playroom, and they find it more fun and relaxing. All we need are bunch of creativity and determination. We can also ask our kid’s opinions regarding the theme, color, designs and etc. Set your blue print and start the fun!
When selecting the right flooring for your kid’s playroom, it is appropriate and safer if you choose foam or rubber. Kids are active and they tend to bump their heads anywhere. These types of flooring also have many benefits; like they are water proof, accessible to wipe, friendly to kids and sturdy. Rubber and foam flooring also allows your kid’s motion to be protected every now and then. Carpet rugs may not be advised for some reasons; like kids tend to spill paints, juices or even foods that may cause itchiness and allergies. As we choose the right flooring for our kid’s playroom, we will guarantee safer and more enjoyable play.
The lighter the ambiance the greater the feeling; therefore think of what designs or colors you may paint your kid’s playroom. Color selection means a lot of difference; dull colors can create a boring impact, while bright colors make the room adorable. To create a more colorful impact, you can add more than one color – be imaginative and creative, use some combinations. You can also consult your kids about the color they want for ‘their’ playroom.

 In every room, furniture is essential; same as your kid’s playroom furniture. Wooden Toddler Toys can give you the playroom furniture you dream for your young. Reading Tree Storage Bookcase Unit by Whitney Brothers - Made in USA, is a cozy bookshelf that will add the imaginative fun of your kids. Also the Blueberry Chenille Upholstered Rocker & Otto with Headrest Slip Cover by KidKraft. Reading can be more fun when seated on a cozy couch built for their size!

As you decide to choose for the right wooden playroom furniture for your kids, then stop and browse Wooden Toddler Toys’ wide selection of toys.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Educational Wooden Toys

Every parent is responsible for their kid’s upbringing, mental capacity and social alertness. It is their major responsibility to give their kids the right educational toys they need. Let me itemized you the many benefits of educational toddler toys which your kid can develop their learning capacity.

·         Cognitive Skills
Educational toys can help your kids connect their thoughts to something and process them easily and develop their thinking ability freely. Puzzle toys and number games, help boosts your kid’s cognitive skills.
·         Social Skills
As your kids play with other kids, their social skills will increase. Even though we knew children naturally enhance their social skills and they make friends often. It is said that kids love to be with another kids. When engaging in educational toys, they find it easy to have friends and enter in group situations.
·         Innovative Skills
Perception, intuition and reasoning will develop when playing best educational toddler toys for kids. When handling them the appropriate toys, they develop in upright activities. They paint, draw, use crayons, cut, pair something and paste everything.
·         Enjoyment
Kids enjoy the things they play, as long as they love the game they will never stop playing. The first thing to think about when choosing a toy is the enjoyment factor it gives. Before purchasing the right toy for your kids, always consider his interest and like.
·         Language Skills
Your kid’s language and vocabulary will develop and prosper as they play with educational toys. They tend to learn principal language and basic vocabulary.

When engaging in educational wooden toys, it is best to choosing Wooden Toddler Toys’ wide selection of toys. It includes Shape 'n Color Coaster by Anatex; this can be your kid’s building block in classification skills and develop logical thinking through exciting play. Your toddlers will definitely recognize shapes and their names, colors and their identification, numbers, and their groupings.

Another thing is Eco-Friendly Gardening Set by Smart Gear. With this gardening set your kids will definitely love and enjoy gardening and feel the excitement of green thumb. It is designed with a colorful, lively and lovely garden set which is build up with basket, flowers, watering can, butterfly net and a shovel. All of the materials are economically friendly and safely assured for your kid’s safety.

See how good it is to select accurate toys for your young; as you purchase new toys for them, be picky! And see Wooden Toddler Toys’ educational toys.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Colorful Classroom Rugs

School is considered to be as second home for kids. It is where we send them to learn their first sentences patterns, to learn their ABC’s and navigate things accordingly. It is where we put our full trust when it comes to our kids; yes! It is where we let our kids grow up and experience the basics of life.

School teachers and coordinators search for appropriate things and tools to brighten up their classrooms. The more colorful the classrooms are the more kids love to stay and play in it. In searching for the best thing to add your classroom theme, classroom rugs are the right match. Choosing for classroom area rugs need to be matched and analyzed well. Considering the shapes and colors is a must; since it captures every kid’s eyes and imagines things freely. Classroom carpets are where they share their activities for the whole day.

It is essential to choose for the right classroom rugs. Before purchasing, evaluate it first and select the right theme for the rug you are choosing; whether it is alphabet rugs, numbers, animals, shapes and many more. These are teacher’s best friends since it aids kids to basic learning and recognition of things.

Rugs ignite kids to summon together and build a foundation of learning. It helps children to benefit from the knowledge teachers impart to them. The comfier the rugs are, the better the mood of the children. Pick the theme you want for that certain area, explore resources and finally choose the rug that will balance your theme. Another consideration is the stability of the rugs and the durability it has. The best rug you can select for classroom is the one that lasts long and accessible to move. To avoid irritation on skin, teachers can see rugs that are easy to hake clean and tap to get rid of dirt and dust.

Wooden Toddler Toys give you the solution. Preschool classroom rugs for kid’s accessibility in playing
and learning. Musical Chairs Classroom Carpet by Joy Carpets is the perfect rug to merge kids; singing together happily, sharing stories and creates bonding moments. It has images of chairs which kids can identify and choose wherever to sit on. It is made with friendly chemicals, flammability class I rating, Colorseal permanent bleach protection, and certified indoor air quality.

Rugs may be all the same in figures, appearance and texture; but when it comes to quality that tells the difference. Choosing quality rugs are the most important thing to consider.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Benefits of Kid's Tricycles

“A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind”, says Thomas Jefferson. Yes! Certainly exercise is basically what everybody needs – whether a kid or a grown up. As you expose yourself to the heat of the sun, and you move your flexes, you sweat; then you are releasing all the things that stress you out. It can be anything, it can be a walk in the park, jogging and biking. We can enjoy things and sweat at the same time. If adults do, so are your kids. They too can do exercising without you pushing and commanding them – a kid’s tricycle can do the thing.

Wooden Toddler Toys offer you and your kids the play and the exercise at the same time. Engaging with traditional toys that makes your kid’s acceleration low and body movement constantly unchanged makes a lot of difference when it comes to their physical well-being. The more they move their biceps and body, the more they sweat, and they release all of their body toxins in just a pedal away. You can give your toddlers Wooden Toddler Toys children’s tricycles. For kids 2 – 5 ages, this Classic Rider Pusher Trike 8" by Angeles gives the comfort and the safety of your kids. Its available features are durable welded steel frame, comfort back support, solid rubber tires, and red power-coated frame. Angeles and Wooden Toddler Toys want the best for your children and the best possible products that they can serve for you and your kids.

Pilot 300 Yellow Bus Tricycle by Italtrike. This The Pilot 300 School Bus Trike adds the fun play with its school bus theme. This can be an imaginative play for kids 3 – 6 year olds, child-safe features and durable tires are packed in one school tricycles.

Kid’s tricycle offers tons of benefits, some of them are:

·         Confidence
It can add the confidence to your kid’s low esteem. As they learn how to paddle and master the balance, the joy and fulfillment in their hearts are immeasurable. With those achievements, it can be a confidence booster for their part.

·         Exercise
As what we have discussed above, these kids’ trikes are perfect for their physical enhancement and mental alertness. They do activities that are helpful and give strength to their body and minds without you pushing them.

·         Social
As they stroll around, they tend to meet with other kids and adults in your neighborhood. As they grow their social skills will develop and flexible enough to be with other kids without making any complications. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Toddler's Tables and Chairs

Almost all of the world’s moms and dads are excited decorating their children’s room. In fact they do all the thinking, deciding and the designing to make it more fascinating and fun! They design the room’s walling, carpeted or wooden floor, well-crafted furniture designs and adornment here and there. But, parents should never forget the basics of everything, including kid’s table and chairs. Yes! These kids’ tables and chairs sets are one of the main factors in gaining a best kid’s bedroom. These sets are not only for bedrooms anyway; these too can be placed in living room, wait rooms, play room, schools or any similar private and public places.  

When placing kid’s tables and chairs inside your houses along with books, painting tools, papers, pens and any drawing tools, they tend to be keen and be creative in time. Placing such helpful furniture will practice them to sit and meditate in doing things in an organized manner. Imagine your kid’s room without tables and chairs in it… …hhhmnn, see? It lacks something, the feeling is like not wearing an upper garment; very bold! True, tables and chairs are always a complement with each other; this furniture will never be missing in every home around the world.

That is where Wooden Toddler Toys comes in; we feature the best toddler table and chair your kids could ever use. Aside from the quality of wood we use as raw materials, we definitely make sure that quality is rest assured from its very single tip - top to bottom. Consider 30"H Kidney Table - Available in Various Sizes (Price Includes Legs) by Steffy Wood. This timeless and wooden table and chair set is perfect for your kid’s bedroom and living room setting. Cleaning this is accessible and easy to eliminate dust and dirt. As what I have stressed earlier, Wooden Toddler Toys uses the best and finest wood to create sturdy and durable table and chairs for your toddlers.

One of my favorite tables and chairs set is Creativity Table by Steffy Wood. The name tells itself, ‘creative’ table and chair is crafted to target toddlers with creative minds and develop their hidden skills and talents. This toddler table and chair set can make your kids draw in a more comfortable way. An artist in the making will be made through this creative table and chair set.

Whether is placed in living rooms, bedrooms, playrooms or any part of the house; still it gives the natural feeling of home crafted to fit their size. Browse Wooden Toddler Toys’ site and see more our toddler’s tables and chairs set.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Make Your Kid's Room Exciting

Being a couple and a parent is totally different. Things change from simplest to most complicated. We only care for the things that we thought are best for our couple, our main concern is on what to cook, how to make this one, how to do that one and what should we do this time – that is it! Well, after becoming a parent, what are the positive and the obvious changes occur in you? Can you enumerate those? Maybe the first thing that might blaze into your mind is, ‘what should my baby’s room look like?’, or ‘what kid’s furniture can I add to his/her room to make it more fantastic?’ Then, you are not alone.

Almost all of the parents around the world want to give what’s the best for their young, if they could have the power to do so, why not giving them all. We all agree that kid’s room must be friendly and exciting – learning definitely starts there. To make the match-up more organized, Wooden Toddler Toys lists down things (aside from bed) parents should consider in deciding on what kid’s room decor to be used.

·         Something that glows
Kids attract most to colors, or glowing colors. Task light or lamp can do the thing, it can surely give the warmth and comfort they need. You can add some kid’s wall décor like Children’s Alphabet Growth Photo Frame by Teamson Design Corp.
·         Something they can read
Monster Double Revolving Bookcase
Even if you have the largest library in the neighborhood, it doesn't mean not putting books on your kids’ room. Wooden Toddler Toys offers you our widest selection of kid’s bedroom furniture. Featuring Monster Double Revolving Bookcase by Levels of Discovery, this bookshelf is certainly versatile and durable.
·         Something creative
As toddlers grow, they normally adapt on what is in their surroundings; when they see resources, they grab them. You can put Train Writing Table by Teamson Design Corp. in their room; aside from the creativity of this writing table, this can help your children’s imagination to go further.

Once you have a baby, you will truly understand how vital it is to have a quality and creative room for them. Giving your kid the right and appropriate things for them will surely be appreciated by them in the future. Arranging and deciding with your kid will be more fun; Wooden Toddler Toys will be here helping you all the way.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Do you have the 'C'?

‘It’ has been a milestone and a stepping block for almost thousands of enthusiast and even millions of potential achievers worldwide. It helped some of us climbed the mountain of success, gave variety of brilliant ideas which led artist to fame, stood thousands of well-designed structures, taught kids to draw across the lines and sold millions of novels, tracks and movies worldwide. Stop for a moment and think of something that could exactly name what this ‘it’ is? Got any clue? It starts with ‘C’. . .hhmmn, done thinking? If then, this big ‘C’ gave justice to colors, guidance to coordination, passion to relive charisma, and confidence to me, to you, to them and to us. This is a God given gift; it is what we called as creativity. Approved! Yes, creativity made us all unique, from furniture designs, web development, strategies in teaching and etc. But, creativity is manifested from childhood, cultivated during adolescence and mastered in adulthood. Isn't it vital for your kids to practice their hidden creativity? And later on show the world what they really got? That’s what Wooden Toddlers Toys have to offer, to boost out hidden talents from your kids and make them more confident with their chosen field. We offer different sorts of creativelearning toys that will surely hit the fun and sharpen your kids’ creativity. We recommend the CreativeCenter Activity Kids' Table Bench Set by ALEX Toys, it’s features has 2 colorful benches for budding artists, it has plenty of open space to draw, paint, color, and more! They will not be at a loss for an artistic medium with which to express their selves! Also our Deluxe PotteryWheel by Alex Toys, imagine our child could create marvelous pots using their bare hands! Totally unbelievable but that makes sense, just visit our site for many many many creative toys that will surely love your kids

          Okay then, we saw the creative talents of our kids, isn't it nicer if they also have their friends or pals coming along the house to play and have some tea party? Now, Wooden Toddler Toys gives you kid’s tables andchairs set. From Teamson Design Corp. they offer you Windsor Kids Round Table and Chair Set Espresso, a beautifully crafted furniture set that will surely enhance the overall look of your home decor. There’s more to go and more to have, see the full list of our hippest and most exciting toddlertable and chair set. That will surely give your toddlers the right attitude towards reading, writing and drawing.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ways To have Fun - Outdoor

Girls love to play ‘in’side, playing tea party with their friends, exchanging ideas on how to curl their doll’s hair, conversing using dolls and playing with it in a dollhouse, and they certainly love to do the cooking play. Girls just love feminine and gentle things. Hmmmn, what about the boys? Boys? As in the boys?  Ironically saying, they do the opposite, the reverse, or the ‘out’side games.
Boys are born adventurous. They are very well equipped to do outdoor sports, events and games. If you are having hard time in choosing the right toy for your kid, then settle down and relax, for Wooden Toddler Toys is here to bring it to you, our very glamorous outdoorwooden play sets. The very play sets that you and your kid could bond with. Don’t mention it; even the girl ones could fall in love with these too.
For ages 3 and up, this very fabulous deluxe garage set gives your kids the loaded fun they want. With the many ways of playing the toy, your kids will never run out of ways to play!
The Metropolis Train Table and Set by KidKraft is a wonderful train table for children and children at heart. This set is also very convenient for it has rolling trundle which makes storage simple. Kids will definitely like this highly interactive and engaging play set, with 100 pieces it has a lot of options for playtime. It includes a two-tier bridge, mountain with drive-through tunnel, and an airport! The table has an espresso finish, which makes this set a nice addition to any room.

Not enough for the outdoor activity? Then try Wooden Toddler Toys’ kid’s tricycles. From the adventure garage toys, we now go to the more outdoor trikes.

With this wheeled toys, your kid will surely be like a little bus driver. Durable and stylish, this trike has a welded steel frame finished in chrome to look really cool. Moms and dads shouldn’t be worried about the safety, because this has many safety features including, spoke less rubber tires; safety bar for passenger; no exposed sharp edges; comfy grips on a pinch-proof steering system.

This is the best trike for your toddler. The lightweight frame of the 10" pedal pusher will surely make the riding around easier for a beginner.

Purchase now and let your toddler experience what ‘out'side really is!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Wooden Bead Maze Toys by Anatex

This bead maze by Anatex has been a classic for over 20 years and is now entertaining a new generation of children! It is a favorite of pediatricians, teachers, and parents, and has been acclaimed as the most fun educational toy in today's market. The Rollercoaster is a three-dimensional manipulative experience in the perceptual, motor, and language areas. Developmental and learning skills are "challenged" through fun play!

Recent Reviews:

Great toy for my 15 month old son! It genuinely makes him think and he also has so much fun with it! Good quality, bright colors, well worth the money! Will last through all of our children!

About Anatex

Anatex first took waiting rooms by fury over a decade ago with their Rollercoaster wire bead maze frames. Since then, their so-called doctor’s office toy has earned a Parent’s Choice Classic Award and quickly found its way into homes everywhere. Although they’re well known for their Rollercoaster toys, they carry a full line of timeless favorites, many with a traditional wooden appearance that make them destined to be family heirlooms. For clever, award-winning toys with classic appeal, look no further than Anatex!

Anatex Toys has been making kids toys for a long time, in fact, Anatex Toys was the first ever company to manufacture and distribute Rollercoaster wire bead mazes. And pretty much any time you walk into an office and you see kids waiting room toys, you are sure to see an Anatex rollercoaster bead maze.

Anatex Toys is proud to have been awarded the Parents' Choice Classic which recognized the Anatex Rollercoaster Bead Maze as the Original. The Anatex Rollercoaster Bead Maze is also a Dr. Toy Best Classic Toys Winner. Anatex Toys was commended by the USC School of Business for it's unequaled and sophisticated marketing plan of promoting kids toys through the American Academy of Pediatrics. For more than a decade the Anatex Rollercoaster Bead Maze has been called "The Best Doctor's Office Toy".

The product lines of Anatex waiting room toys and Anatex educational toys for kids are world renowned. Anatex Wall Panels are one of the most popular toddler toys that are currently available. Anatex pretend play furniture and Anatex Activity Tables are also fun options for your home or waiting room furniture for kids. Anatex kids toys has enjoyed an exciting history and we look forward to sharing with our customers a fun, successful and educational future.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Great Project for Nap Time

You just had a nice morning with your preschooler. You had a nice breakfast together, read a book and played a few games of Candy Land. Now it is nap time, and suddenly your little angel has dropped the halo and begun throwing a fit. Does this sound familiar? There’s a simple way to avoid such a catastrophe, allow your child to make their own preschool nap mat. When a child makes it themselves it becomes something special for them that they can be proud. This is not the same thing just go to bed, they going to their special place for some time.

Toddler nap mats are a wonderful invention. They make the transition from play time to nap time quick and easy. Some preschool nap mats come with their own pillow and blanket built in so all you have to do is unfold it, and your child is ready to let sweet dreams carry them away.

The first thing you do is buy the materials for your preschool nap mats. Take your child with you to a hobby store. Let them pick out the colors and fabric they want to use. Ask them if they want their pillow and blanket attached or not. Once you have your fabric you’ll need a large piece of foam to act as a base for your toddler nap mat. The foam should be about 1 inch thick to ensure comfort. To find the right size to make the mat measure your child,add a few inches on each side to allow your child room to move. Then you will need to have to stuff pillows. Determine whether your child likes the feel of loose fibers or down. If your child prefers the feel of down you will need down proof ticking to line the inside of your toddler nap mat so that the feathers don’t work their way out. Get enough stuffing to fill the pillow, the blanket and form a 1 inch layer over the foam. Make sure your child is not allergic to down. If they sneeze while being near down it’s best to go with loose fibers, otherwise they will sneeze all through nap time and might even break out.

Make sure you give your child to do as much as you feel comfortable with to let them do. They need to feel as though it’s their preschool nap mats, and that they made it themselves Play with different ideas attached straps to keep the mat rolled when not in use and add a zipper on the side so you can remove the foam padding before each wash. Listen to the ideas or preferences of the child may have. It is their toddler nap mat after all. After you are finished you will have a wonderful new mat that your child will love sleeping on and you can kiss the bad old days of the nap tantrum goodbye. When finished, you will have a wonderful new carpet that your child loves to sleep and and you can kiss the bad old days of the nap tantrum goodbye.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Right Kind of Third Wheel

One thing about children that everyone remembers is riding their tricycle. This is the first vehicle to be controlled by yourself. The feeling of riding around at top speed is irreplaceable, and it makes you feel like you're one step closer to growth.

Kids tricycles did not start out for children. It was invented in 1680 by Stephan Farffler who was unable to walk. He was a watch maker and used his talents to create a tricycle that operated with a hand crank so that he could transport himself anywhere he needed to go. Later the design was changed to allow people to propel the tricycle with their feet. Tricycles were used by people that were not comfortable riding a bicycle. Since balance is something that must be learned, tricycles were used more and more by children as a stepping stone to learning how to ride a bicycle.

When picking out a school tricycle for your child there are several things to take into account. First you have to decide whether metal or plastic school tricycle are most suitable for the child. A metal kids tricycle is sturdier and less likely to tip over but will rust over time or if it gets wet. A plastic kids tricycle is cheaper than a metal one and will not rust but they are more likely to tip over.

Then you must decide if you will push your child, or if you let them ride the school tricycle itself. Some school tricycles come with a bar attached to the back that allows the parent to push their child. If you think your child may need a little practice and comfort before they can travel by themselves, then get a tricycle for children with a push bar is a good idea.

The next step is to find the right sized school tricycles for your children. A child of 2 should start off with a 10 inch wheel. If your child has long legs or is big for their age then a 12 inch wheel would probably be more comfortable for them. If you are unsure of what size fits your child, then an adjustable school tricycle would be much better. It will also allow your child more play time before they grow too big to ride it.

Now the only thing left is to pick a color. If your child has a favorite color then you can buy them school tricycles in that color, if not then pick a color or pattern that matches a lot of other things your child owns. Once you've chosen an appropriate color get a matching helmet, elbow pads and knee pads, and your child is ready to ride.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Wooden Rocking Horses - A Child's Dream Come True

Do you remember the time when you were young and begging for mom and dad to buy you that wooden rocking horse in the store window? There are a lot of parents who are familiar with this kind of scenario and love remembering those precious childhood moments.

The wooden rocking horse is considered to be one of the most popular and classic toys for children. Back in the old days, horses were very popular because they were commonly used on carriages and in jousting practices during the middle ages. They were a part of everyday life- an essential in everyday living. In the early 17th century, hobby wood crafters handcrafted wooden rocking horses that act like a rocking chair which became what we now think of as a staple for childhood play.

Today, these playful toys continue to fascinate many children with their features that are simple and at the same time mesmerizing. These toys are what almost every kid wants to have as part of their collection. Toy manufacturers try to come up with new ideas to make these rocking toys more contemporary yet conventional at the same time. Wooden rocking horses have evolved from a simple piece of wood carving to a variety of stylish and colorful designs that kids love to ride and play with.

Kids wooden rocking horses stimulate a child’s imagination and bring them back to the days when horses were the main source of transportation. Even little girls love playing with these rocking horses, especially if it comes in colorful designs with detailed carvings. Some parents may even prefer it custom-made, with cushioned seats and a back rest to make their children more comfortable while playing.

Wooden rocking horses are perfect presents for children on their birthdays and Christmas. They come in different sizes suitable for kids at any age. They are also safe and durable. You can be sure that it will last for a very long time! Some people even pass their old wooden rocking horses to their own children as a keepsake of their very own childhood.

If you are looking for a toy that will surely last a lifetime, wooden rocking horses are your best choice. It remains a classic and unique kind of toy that never gets old and will probably be enjoyed by more kids for future generations to come.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Making Learning More Interesting with Kid's Table and Chairs

Imagine entering a classroom without tables and chairs . The room could be spacious but not conducive enough for learning and education . Children need toddler tables and chairs to help them learn and study more comfortably . It is specially designed to assist them in studying, art painting, writing and reading . A classroom will never be complete without tables and chairs because it makes learning more convenient and comfortable for all children, young and old .

Back then, kids table and chairs were made simple and ordinary . They came in colors that were be very dull and boring. Most furniture being manufactured these days are made more fun and exciting with bright colors and unique styles .

We often see classroom tables made with built in storage for important stuff like books, notebooks and school supplies . This ensures that children don’t have to bring their things frequently to school and makes them more responsible enough in keeping their study materials properly stored at a safe area . Older kids needs less space when it comes to studying and learning. That’s why some kids chairs are made with built in desk to provide children with enough room for reading lectures and art activities during regular class hours .

Most kids also love having their own tables and chairs at home . This provides them with them space for homework and projects . Having kid's tables and chairs in creative designs makes the room more interesting and conducive for fun and learning .

You can also have your kid's table and chairs personalized according to your child's own personal taste . It makes the furniture more exceptional and special for your little children . Most parents prefer having the name of their child engraved or painted on the table and chairs to give the child a sense of belonging and significance .

Kids grow up so fast that they may outgrew their tables and chairs in no time . The memories lasts and grows within them . Kid's and tables and chairs will always be part of your kid's childhood and may even become part of your family's heirloom for many generations to come .

Wooden Toddler Toys offer a great deal of kids table and chairs for your toddlers and young preschoolers. You can visit to see their latest style and designs of kids table and chairs for your kids.